Sunday, 25 July 2021

Current Affairs 25.07.2021

1) UNESCO declares Rudreswara Temple (Ramappa Temple) in Palampet, Mulugu District, Warangal as India's 39th World Heritage Site

Saturday, 24 July 2021


Defy - Refuse to Obey, To challenge

Current Affairs

First Tennis player to light the Olympic Cauldron - Naomi Osaka

US Secretary of state - Antony J Blinken

Sunday, 14 March 2021


 ● STOCKPILE (VERB): (भंडार लगाना): store up
Synonyms: amass, accumulate
Antonyms: dissipate
Example Sentence:They stockpiled weapons and ammunition that will last several months.

● INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable
Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable
Antonyms: avoidable
Example Sentence:Jessica drew out the inevitable by taking her time to select her food.

● REQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (आवश्यक): necessary
Synonyms: required, prerequisite
Antonyms: optional
Example Sentence-The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid.

● CAPITULATE (VERB): (हथियार डाल देना): surrender
Synonyms: give in, yield
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

● INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence:He asked an intrusive question.

● RESTITUTION (NOUN): (वापसी): return
Synonyms: restoration, replacement
Antonyms: seizure
Example Sentence:The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.

● INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:The pickets induced many workers to stay away.

● TURMOIL (NOUN): (अशांति): confusion
Synonyms: turbulence, tumult
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:There was turmoil in her pale blue eyes.

● MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It made only a marginal difference.

● VARY (VERB): (पृथक होना): differ
Synonyms: range, extend
Antonyms: agree
Example Sentence:The properties vary in price.

Monday, 11 January 2021