Under Selective Credit Control, credit is provided to selected borrowers for selected purpose, depending upon the use to which the control try to regulate the quality of credit - the direction towards the credit flows. The Selective Controls are
Under Selective Credit Control, credit is provided to selected borrowers for selected purpose, depending upon the use to which the control try to regulate the quality of credit - the direction towards the credit flows. The Selective Controls are
- Ceiling On Credit: The Ceiling on level of credit restricts the lending capacity of a bank to grant advances against certain controlled securities.
- Margin Requirements :- A loan is sanctioned against Collateral Security. Margin means that proportion of the value of security against which loan is not given. Margin against a particular security is reduced or increased in order to encourager to discourage the flow of credit to a particular sector. It varies from 20% to 80%. For agricultural commodities it is as high as 75%. Higher the margin lesser will be the loan sanctioned.
- Discriminatory Interest Rate (DIR) Through DIR, RBI makes credit flow to certain priority or weaker sectors by charging concessional rates of interest. RBI issues supplementary instructions regarding granting of additional credit against sensitive commodities, issue of guarantees, making advances etc. .
- Directives:- The RBI issues directives to banks regarding advances. Directives are regarding the purpose for which loans may or may not be given.
- Direct Action :- It is too severe and is therefore rarely followed. It may involve refusal by RBI to rediscount bills or cancellation of license, if the bank has failed to comply with the directives of RBI.
- Moral Suasion :- Under Moral Suasion, RBI issues periodical letters to bank to exercise control over credit in general or advances against particular commodities. Periodic discussions are held with authorities of commercial banks in this respect.