Friday, 13 March 2015

Banking Awareness - Commercial Paper

Commercial Paper
                Commercial Paper is a unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of Promissory note issued by the Corporate's, Primary Dealer's (PDs) and all Financial Institutes (FIs). it can be issued for a period of minimum 7 days and maximum 1 year. It can be issued in denominations of 5 lakh and its multiples.

Capital and Currency - Seychelles


Capital : Victoria

Currency : Seychellois Rupee

President : James Michel

Language : Seselwa, Creole, French, English

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Current Affairs

1) World's Biggest Weapon Importer 2014? Saudi Arabia

2) "Aapki Beti Humari Beti" Scheme launched by State Govt of _____________? Haryana

3) 1st Indo-Nepal Motor rally Friendship organised in ___________? India Gate , New Delhi

4) Golden Gate Award of Silver Prize Won by __________? Kerala

5) Garampani Sanctuary Located at ________? Diphu, Assam

6) The great Victoria Desert Located in ________? Australia

7) Pneumatic rubber tire invented by________? J.B.Dunlop

8) "Nineteen Eighty Four" Written by _____________? George Orwell

9) Length of Sutlej River ? 1450 KM

10) "Tripitakas" is the sacred  Book of __________? Buddhists

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Banking Awareness - Certificate of Deposit (CD)

Certificate of Deposit (CD)
               It is a negotiable instrument issued by a bank for a term deposit. CD's are securities purchased for less face value where bank promises to repay the deposit for a yield to maturity(YTM). the secondary market is made up by the discount houses and the banks in Inter-Bank Market.

Insurance Awareness - Adjuster

        A person who investigates and settles losses for Insurance buyer. he will investigate the claimant and witnesses, police and hospital record and inspecting property damage to determine the extend of the companies Liability.